TCML Class










Introduce 21 consonants:

b p m f

,,, ,,, ,

d t n l

, ,,,

g k h

, ,,,喀󠇡 , ,,

j q x

,,, ,,, 西,,,

zh ch






z c s

資,,子son,自 疵,慈,此,次 ,,die, four,




wǒ tàitai

A我太太my wife你太太、他太太

wǒ xiān shēng

B我先生my husband妳先生、她先生

liǎng ge rén

C兩 個 人two people

hé (hàn) nǐ hé wǒ


qǐng wèn nǐ jiā yǒu duō shǎo rén

A請問你家有多少人How many people are in your family?

wǒ jiā yǒu liǎng ge rén, wǒ hé wǒ tàitai

B:我家有 兩個人,我和我太太。There are two people in my family, my wife and I.

nǐ jiā yǒu jǐ ge rén

C:你家有幾個人﹖How many people are in your family?

wǒ jiā yǒu liǎng ge rén, wǒ hé wǒ xiān shēng

D:我家有兩個人,我和我先生。There are two people in my family, my husband and I.



wǒ yí ge rén zhù

D:我一個人住。I live alone.


yì zhī gǒu

A:一隻 狗 a dog

yì zhī māo

B一 隻 a cat

yì zhī xiǎo gǒu

C:一隻 小狗a small dog

yì zhī dà gǒu

D:一隻 大狗a big dog

yì zhī huā māo

A一 隻花 a calico cat


nǐ jiā yǒu jǐ ge rén

B:你家有幾個人﹖How many people are in your family?

wǒ jiā yǒu liǎng ge rén, wǒ xiān shēng, wǒ, hé


yì zhī dà gǒu

一隻大狗。There are two people in my family, my husband, me, and a big dog.


ér zi nǚ ér

D:兒子son女兒 daughter (好 = + 子)

nǐ yǒu jǐ ge hái zi

A:你有幾個孩子﹖How many children do you have?

wǒ yǒu yí ge nǚ ér

B:我有一個女兒。I have a daughter.

qǐng wèn nǐ jiā yǒu duō shǎo rén

C:請問你家有多少人﹖How many people are in your family?

wǒ jiā yǒu sān ge rén, wǒ, wǒ tàitai,


wǒ nǚ ér hái yǒu yì zhī māo

我女兒、還有 一隻貓。There are three people in my family, me, my wife, my daughter, and a cat.


èr sān

B一 1 二 2 三 3 四 4 五 5

liù qī jiǔ shí

C六 6 七 7 八 8 九 9 十 10

yí ge liǎng ge sān ge


sì ge wǔ ge liù ge


qī ge bā ge jiǔ ge shí ge


yí ge rén, liǎng ge rén, sān ge rén


yì zhī māo, liǎng zhī māo, sān zhī māo

D:一隻貓、兩隻貓、 三隻貓

xià yí ge

A下一個 next



Ayou、妳you(girl)、我I, me

tā tā

Bhe, him、她she, her

four tones: tā tá tǎ tà

nǐ men wǒ men

C你們 you guys、我們 we, us

tā men dà jiā

他們 they, them、大家 everybody

nǐ hǎo

D你好 hello

nǐ men hǎo

你們好Greeting to the group

dà jiā hǎo

大家好Hello, everybody.

yǒu shén me

A:有什麼 Do you have any

qǐng jǔ shǒu

請舉手Raise your hand

xiè xie yì

B:謝謝thank you、一起together、不no

nǐ hǎo ma

C你好嗎? How are you?

shàng shàng xià xià

上上下下 up and down

zài jiàn

D再見 goodbye

xxxxxx Greeting & Respond

nǐ hǎo


nǐ hǎo



nǐ hǎo ma


wǒ hěn hǎo, nǐ hǎo ma

D我很好你好嗎I'm fine, how are you?

wǒ hěn hǎo, xiè xie

A:我很好,謝謝。I'm fine, thank you!

XXXXXX New Phrases

nín hěn hǎo bù hǎo,

您, 很好Very good,不好not good

shēng bìng le, hē kā fēi

生 病了sick,喝咖啡 have some coffee

yì qǐ lái yǒu de,

一起來come together,有的yes, there is

méi yǒu yǒu méi yǒu

沒有there isn't...,有沒有...? Do you have...?

shàng kè le wèn tí

上課了Class begins.,問題 questions

xià kè

下課Class dismissed.

xiè xie lǎo shī

謝謝老師。Thank you, teacher.

XXXXXX New conversation

nǐ hǎo ma


wǒ bù hǎo, wǒ shēng bìng le, yǒu kā fēi ma

C我不好我生病了有咖啡嗎I'm not well, I'm sick, is there any coffee?

yǒu de, yì qǐ lái hē kā fēi

D:有的,一起來喝咖啡Yes, let's have coffee together.


jiā hǎo

A:大家好﹗greeting a group of people


B:早﹗good morning

zǎo ān

C:早安﹗good morning

D:你早﹗good morning

jiā zǎo



nǐ hǎo


wǒ hěn hǎo, xiè xie, nǐ hǎo ma


wǒ hěn hǎo, xiè xie, nǐ fù qīn hǎo ma

D︰我很好,謝謝﹗你父親好嗎?I'm good, thank you. How's your father?

hěn hǎo, nǐ jiā rén dū hǎo


He is fine, thank you! How are your family?

wǒ men dà jiā dōu hěn hǎo

B我們 大家 都很好謝謝

We are all well, thank you!


shàng kè le

C上課了Class begins.

yǒu shén me wèn tí, qǐng jǔ shǒu

D:有 什麼 問題 請舉手。

Raise your hand if you have any questions.

xià kè

A下課Class dismissed.

xiè xie lǎo shī

B謝謝老師Thank you, teacher.



is the respectful form of 。 You may be expected to use when you are addressing people listed below: Old people or elders whether you are acquainting with or not.

is for a more formal speech, and when you want to be polite or show respect to the person you are talking to.

Usewhen talking to boss, high-ranking officers (if you are an employee), professor, teacher (if you are a student), customers, and anyone you want to show your politeness especially in the first meeting.

請問May I ask...

qǐng wèn nín guì xìng

C請 問 您 貴 姓May I ask your last name?

wǒ xìng wáng

D我 姓 王My last name is Wang.

wáng xiān shēng, hěn gāo xìng rèn shì nǐ

A王 先 生,很高興 認識你。Mr. Wang, very glad to meet you.


qǐng wèn nǐ xìng shén me

B︰請 問你 姓什麼?

May I ask your last name?

wǒ xìng wáng

C︰我 姓 王。My last name is Wang.


qǐng wèn nǐ jiào shén me míng zì

D請 問 你叫 什 麼 名 字

Excuse me, what's your name?

wǒ xìng lǐ, jiào dà yǒu, nǐ ne


My surname is Li and my name is Dayou. How about you?

lǐ xiān shēng, nǐ hǎo, wǒ jiào lín yī

B︰李 先 生 你好,我叫林一。Mr. Li, nice to meet you. my name is Lin Yi.


tā xìng shén mó

C︰他姓 什 麼?What's his last name?

tā xìng wáng

D︰他姓 王。His last name is Wang.

tā jiào shén mó míng zì

A︰他叫 什 麼 名 字?What's his name?

tā jiào wáng míng wén

B︰他叫 王明文。His name is Ming Wen Wang.


jiào shén mó míng zì

C︰你叫 什 麼 名 字?What's his name?

jiào ...

D︰我叫 ...。My name is ...







我是Jim Chen

xxxxxx PRACTICE2

A:大家,我是...。很高興認識大家It's nice to meet everybody.

xxxxxx PRACTICE3



It's nice to meet you.


jīn tiān tiān qì hěn hǎo

A︰今天天氣很好。The weather is nice today.

shì de, jīn tiān yǒu tài yáng, tiān qì bù lěng

B︰是的,今天有太陽,天氣不冷。Yes, The sun is shining today, the weather is not cold.


jīn tiān hǎo lěng

C︰今天 好冷。It's cold today.

duì ā, jīn tiān fēng hěn dà, bǐ zuó tiān lěng

D︰對啊,今天風很大,比昨天冷。 Yes, it's windy today, colder than yesterday.


wáng xiān shēng, hěn gāo xìng rèn shì nǐ

A︰王先生,很高興認識你。Mr. Wang, it's great to meet you.

hěn gāo xìng rèn shì nǐ, zài jiàn

B︰很 高興 認識你,再見。Goodbye.

hǎo de. lǐ bài èr jiàn

C︰好的,禮拜二見。Sure, I'll see you Tuesday.


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nǐ 你 you (general)

nǐ 妳 you (girl)

mén 們 two or more people

你們 (you, more than two)

wǒ 我 I, me

我們 we, us

tā 他 he, him

tā 她 she, her

他們 they, them

hǎo 好 good

你好! hello!

hǎo ma 你好嗎? How are you?

他好嗎? How is he?

jiā 大家 everybody

大家好 hello everybody

qǐng 請please

bù 不 no

不好 no good

好不好? Is it ok?

yǒu 有


我們有... we have...

ma 你有嗎? do you have?

jǔ shǒu舉手raise your hand

shàng up

xià 下 down

xiè xie 謝謝 thank you

zài jiàn 再見 goodbye

yī qǐ 一起 together

大家一起 everybody together

我們一起 let's get together


shén me 什麼? What?

Enjoy and good luck!