Latest Update 

TCML class starts on September 17, 2023.

Place: Montville Township High School

Address: 100 Horseneck Rd, Montville, NJ 07045 

Classroom: 500

Thank you all for coming!

Culture Goodwill Mission Troupe Performance

Celebrating the National Day of the Republic of China (Taiwan)

The show was a big success. We appreciate the performers' talent and the elegant design of the program. We can't wait for next year's show. 

Photo Page: photo credit Peter Chuang

GOTO Event page

click poster to watch performance trailer!

NNJCA hosted the Culture Goodwill Mission Troupe performance to celebrate the ROC (Taiwan) National Day.

Date: September 10, 2023 at 6:30pm 

Venue: Watchung Hills Regional High School Performing Arts Center

Address: 108 Stirling Rd, Warren, NJ 07059 

北新中文學校文化夏令營 巡迴老師與本地老師通力合作 成果豐碩

北新中文學校在疫情後,重啟文化夏令營,於 8月21 日到25日,在帕西伯尼市(Parsippany)的主恩堂舉辦,並於25日當天下午舉行成果展與結業茶會,邀請當地貴賓、家長們一起觀賞學員們展現一週來的學習成果,家長們感謝老師們耐心的教學,特地自製果凍邀請師生們品嘗。




學員們動態展現一週來所學到的民俗舞蹈新年樂傘舞、與彩巾飛絮;扯鈴快樂小精』」八面鈴攏「『乎奇技。 助教們也特別表演他們自排的扯鈴織智韻創 和舞蹈功夫舞。靜態展示則有學員們的藝術繪畫、美勞作品。




NNJCA is a non-profit organization founded in 1956.  This organization is the largest and most resourced Chinese association in the norther region of New Jersey.  The organization is open to the public and welcome everyone who is interested and appreciative of Chinese culture.  There is also a comprehensive language program that provides a well-rounded curriculum in the speaking and writing of Chinese.

The organization also provides many extra-curricular activities besides the Chinese school languages courses, such as culture classes, recreational activities, and various charitable functions.  These programs are open to the public as well.

NNJCA performs many social services each year to help those that are less fortunate in the community.  These activities includes volunteer and charitable work at homeless shelters, senior citizen resident homes, and other cultural organizations what may need help and sponsorship.  It has a charitable statue of State of New Jersey.  It also recognized as social service partner by the United Way organization.

新州北部美華聯誼會首創於1956年, 是新澤西州的最大華人社團之一. 而本會所屬的北新中文學校, 更是享譽新澤西州北部.  一路走來, 篳路藍縷, 群策群力而達到現在的規模. 本會是聯邦政府立案之非營利機構. 也是United Way認可的社會服務單位. 以推廣中華文化及華語教學為主要任務. 提供會員子弟與社區人士一個接觸傳統中華文化的學園與社團活動場所. 除了北新中文學校提供中華文化與華文等教育性的活動之外,聯誼會並有華音青少年合唱團, 真善美成人合唱團, 百靈鳥青少年藝術團與獎學金委員會等服務與育才性質的社團. 本會經常舉辦各項知識性與聯誼性的活動, 歡迎各界人士加入本會共襄盛舉.

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